"Good fences make good neighbors." Have you ever heard this phrase? Fences and boundaries keep things where they belong (for example, dogs inside a fenced yard and cows inside a fenced field). Fences keep damage from occurring. Consider the fence around a garden that keeps animals and lawn mowers out.
It may seem counterintuitive, but fences improve relationships, especially when fences are installed for protection. Consider what could happen if your neighbor's pool yard isn't fenced. A young child could wander by, fall in, and drown. Guard rails on roads prevent us from leaving the roadway and crashing off cliffs. Fences protect, they keep things where they belong, and they prevent damage from occurring.
But why are we talking about fences and boundaries? Because your relationships need boundaries.
Young people, no one except your immediate family should have 24/7 access to you. This generation faces a unique challenge and danger because social media and cell phones can strip away a much-needed boundary. Your friends should not expect 24/7 access to you. You need time away, time with your family, and time alone with God to stay grounded spiritually. Put a boundary there. Restrict technology use to specific hours only. Relationships need boundaries.
What about special relationships that may become romantic? These relationships need some serious guard rails. First of all, a romantic relationship can make you vulnerable to being hurt, so don't be in a hurry to rush into one. And don't put all your cards on the table immediately, as this will open you up to rejection and disappointment if the other person doesn't feel the same way you do. If it's God's will, that relationship will develop without you pushing it forward. If you move too quickly, you'll likely frighten the other person away. Enjoy and be content with friendship over romance. Set a boundary there. Understand that God is the author of romance and will write a better love story for you than you could ever imagine. So let Him be in charge of your romance, even if His charge is "not yet." Be determined not to violate God's boundaries.
Finally, we put valuable things behind fences. Malls have cops, the White House has Secret Security, and bank vaults have giant locks. Have you noticed that no one guards a dumpster? Military bases have blockades and fences, and so does Area 51...
Area 51 has boundaries around it with huge warning signs. You can be arrested or shot for entering. No one without proper clearance knows what is in there. What if Area 51 had no fence around it and anyone could walk in without consequences? There would be no mystery and people would lose interest in it. The high security creates a mystery and a fascination. But if there was no fence, no one would care about Area 51.
If you want some young man or some young lady to be interested in you, set a boundary. Don't allow access to your physical body. Wear attractive, but modest clothing. Be a mystery until the appropriate clearance is obtained through a wedding ceremony. Set a boundary there and guard it with high security. Realize that you are valuable and valuable things are kept for special purposes. They are not available to everyone--only to the authorized one.
When God restricts and disciplines us, it is for our good. When He puts boundaries around us, it is because He is protecting something of amazing value: YOU!!! He doesn't want disappointment or hurt to separate you from Him.
What boundaries do you need to set in your life today?
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